TMPL_1834_tryn.txt Tray name: pstring (1-byte length; 33 bytes reserved) TMPL_1833_tray.txt Tray count: 4-byte integer (decimal) (1 = Usual) TMPL_1832_stat.txt Status owner: 4-byte integer (char) •••••: list (until end of resource) Status or error type: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = No error, 1 = Non-fatal, 2 = Fatal error, 3 = Printer ready, 4 = User attention, 5 = User alert, 6 = Page transmission, 7 = Open connection, 8 = Informational status, 9 = Spooling page, 10 = End status, 11 = Percentage status) Status internal ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) Status Alert (‘ALRT’) resource ID: 2-byte integer (decimal) (0 = None) Status message: pstring (1-byte length) (padded to 2-byte alignment) TMPL_1829_scop.txt Scopes: list (2-byte one-based item count) Scope type: 4-byte integer (char) TMPL_1825_resl.txt Range type: 2-byte integer (decimal) (1 = Usual) Minimum X resolution (dots/inch): 2-byte integer (decimal) Maximum X resolution (dots/inch): 2-byte integer (decimal) Minimum Y resolution (dots/inch): 2-byte integer (decimal) Maximum Y resolution (dots/inch): 2-byte integer (decimal) Resolutions: list (2-byte one-based item count) Y resolution (dots/inch): 2-byte integer (decimal) X resolution (dots/inch): 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_1824_rdws.txt String: pstring (2-byte length) TMPL_1823_rdpf.txt Script elements: list (2-byte one-based item count) String: pstring (1-byte length) TMPL_1816_pfil.txt Output file formats: list (2-byte one-based item count) Format popup menu item: pstring (1-byte length) TMPL_1813_look.txt Default looker: 2-byte integer (decimal) Lookers: list (2-byte one-based item count) Name of looker to show user: pstring (1-byte length; 35 bytes reserved) ID of ‘comm’ resource: 2-byte integer (decimal) Flags: 2-byte integer (hex) NBP type, or non-AppleTalk default item name: pstring (1-byte length; 35 bytes reserved) TMPL_1812_load.txt Load priority: 4-byte integer (hex) (-256 = Load last, 256 = Load first, 2147483647 = Load anywhere) TMPL_1811_isys.txt Resource type of imaging system to select: 4-byte integer (char) TMPL_1810_iobm.txt Communications options: 4-byte integer (decimal) (0 = Standard, 1 = Custom (including SCSI)) Number of buffers to allocate: 4-byte integer (decimal) (0 = None) Size (in bytes) of each buffer: 4-byte integer (decimal) Number of I/O requests pending at one time: 4-byte integer (decimal) Open/close timeout (in ticks): 4-byte integer (decimal) Read/write timeout (in ticks): 4-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_1805_crst.txt Color space: 4-byte integer (decimal) Members: list (4-byte one-based item count) Component 1: 2-byte integer (hex) Component 2: 2-byte integer (hex) Component 3: 2-byte integer (hex) Component 4: 2-byte integer (hex) TMPL_1800.txt